For those who lost the will to live trying to read my previous diatribe on Sid's weekend visit, here's the lowdown on her latest trip, just 2 weekends later:
Thurs: Arrival. Balcony. Park. Picnic. TWIGLETS! Taught. Sid was flat-bitch and made dinner! Yum. Drinks and chat.
Fri: Atocha Renfe - terrapins (tortoises?) Caixa Forum - Islamic Art exhibition, Cambodia exhibition, Architecture stuff, funky purple sofas. Maoz falafels. Wander. Shop. La Mallorquina. Tea. Lots of cream cake. Locandita. Beer. Chat.
Sat: Cacao Sampaka (http://www.cacaosampaka.com/). CAKE! Tea. Dribble. Wander. Retiro. Sun. Dinner on balcony.
Sun: Rastro. Lunch (Isla del Tesoro - best veggie restaurant ever!). Cable car. Casa de Campo. Sun. Drinks. Picnic on balcony. Cards and chat.
Mon: Local park. 44 degrees. Picnic. Sunburn. Sid - airport. :-(
The End.
PS - The photos: http://picasaweb.google.es/emsr2d2/SidSReturnVisit?authkey=Gv1sRgCLy8mdCXxYDVrAE&feat=directlink