I guess a blog wouldn´t be a blog if I planned what to write in advance, or updated it too regularly.
So - a brief rundown of what´s happened since the last time!
I spent the weekend wandering about generally, getting my bearings, working out where to buy soya milk etc etc. All the important stuff.
On Saturday evening I gatecrashed the Vaughan tapas night to say hi to the staff I knew, and also gave the participants who were about to head off for a week as volunteers the benefit of my wisdom and experience!!! Well, it was good for me to meet some new people anyway.
I dragged poor Dade round Madrid afterwards, made him buy me beer (no, wait, he offered!) and listened while he scared me senseless about the forthcoming training course. Oh, that was after he did his Guardian Angel impression and rescued some poor tourist who was being targeted by a slimy pickpocket. I don´t know about the pickpocket, but he scared the crap out of me!
Sunday, I met up with 3 of the other trainees (or victims!) - Cecilia, Behram and Steve. We´re a mixed bunch - needless to say, I´m the oldest on the course apart from one but I´m taking the view that that means I have more life experience. Sod the fact that they can stay up later, drink more and don´t seem quite as stressed by 9 hours homework.
Talking of which - first day of training was technically a half day! HAH! Yeah, we finished at 1.30 but then had 3 hours homework and had to design from scratch 3 individual one-hour lesson plans. With no material, no suggestions as to what a lesson plan is or what it should look like etc etc. I started my homework at 3.45 and finished just before midnight. Crazy!
So day 2 rolled around - the morning was spent with us practicing drills with the rest of the trainees but before we knew it, 2.30 had arrived and it was time for our first practice classes. All I can say is "Poor Spaniards!" The first 3 hours didn´t go too badly but hour 4 was a train wreck! I was knackered, dehydrated, needed the loo (yeah, I know, too much info!) and to be quite honest, slightly hysterical. And my 4th lot of students could see it - it was written all over their faces!
So - how do I think it´s going? Really, I have no idea. I guess I´ll know on Friday if went OK if they let me go on to week 2.
All I can say is I´m doing my best. Which is all I can ask of myself, and all they can ask of me. Let´s hope it´s enough!!!!
SO it is really a four week course packed into two. That is crazy that you get no food or loo breaks- not to say dangerous. I am so glad you are living close by. I will have to make sure I do the same thing. It will get better and remember this is the worst it will be. The word in at the deep end come to mind! I am glad I have done some teaching already - even though the last lot was teaching in a kindergarten in China. hmmm not sure the Wheels on the bus will work with adult spanish people! Let me know if you need any grammer help - I have books! If I was there I would make hot soothing drinks and quick veggie meals and packed lunches. Keep smiling, hon!